Game Yang Menghina Islam!! (Continued....)
9. Dante's Inferno
Dante lagi... Dante’s Inferno adalah game mengenai seorang karakter yang ingin menamatkan misinya yang dilakukan di dalam neraka. Game ini membolehkan pemain membuat pilihan sama ada mahu memusnah atau menyucikan roh manusia menggunakan cahaya salib untuk dihantar ke syurga. Game ini menggambarkan neraka yang diilustrasikan terbahagi kepada sembilan tingkat lingkaran (Circles Of Hell) dengan mengikut dosa pada setiap manusia, seperti Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Anger, Violence, dan lain sebagainya. (Ajaran bible)
Dante adalah karakter yang di adaptasikan dari nama Dante Alighieri, seorang penyair abad ke-14, iaitu seorang pejuang di masa Perang Salib III.
Dante Alighieri, pejuang Perang salib III |
Game ni sebenarnya telah meletakkan Nabi Muhammad SAW ke dalam Neraka!!!.
Menurut dari website Gameslatest: Middle East avoids Dante’s Inferno (Post ni sekarang dah kena delete)
Menurut dari website Gameslatest
di atas bahawa Timur Tengah telah mengharamkan game Dante's Inferno
yang diterbitkan dari syarikat game terbesar iaitu EA Games
kerana "keutamaan selera pelanggan, campuran platform dan faktor lain".
Faktor lain? ya, faktor lain seperti penyair Dante (pejuang zaman perang
salib III), menempatkan Nabi Muhammad, nabi palsu dalam lubang
neraka. Mengapa Islam ingin membantu mempromosikan di kalangan
pengikut-pengikutnya satu videogame yang berdasarkan Divine Comedy nabi palsu yang menempatkan mereka di neraka?. Berdasarkan maksud tersirat pada "sajak suci" ianya dari Inferno Canto XXVIII:
No barrel, even though it's lost a hoop
or end- piece, ever gapes as one whom I
saw ripped right from his chin to where we fart:
his bowels hung between his legs, one saw
his vitals and the miserable sack
that makes of what we swallow excrement.
While I was all intent on watching him,
he looked at me, and with his hands he spread
his chest and said: "See how I split myself!
See now how maimed Mohammed is! And he
who walks and weeps before me is Ali,
whose face is opened wide from chin to forelock.
And all the others here whom you can see
were, when alive, the sowers of dissension
and scandal, and for this they now are split.
Behind us here, a devil decks us out
so cruelly, re-placing every one
of this throng underneath the sword edge when
we've made our way around the road of pain,
because our wounds have closed again before
we have returned to meet his blade once more.
But who are you who dawdle on this ridge,
perhaps to slow your going to the verdict
that was pronounced on your self-accusations?
"Death has not reached him yet," my master answered,
"nor is it guilt that summons him to torment;
but that he may gain full experience,
I, who am dead, must guide him here below,
to circle after circle, throughout Hell:
this is as true as that I speak to you."
Inferno XXVIII
or end- piece, ever gapes as one whom I
saw ripped right from his chin to where we fart:
his bowels hung between his legs, one saw
his vitals and the miserable sack
that makes of what we swallow excrement.
While I was all intent on watching him,
he looked at me, and with his hands he spread
his chest and said: "See how I split myself!
See now how maimed Mohammed is! And he
who walks and weeps before me is Ali,
whose face is opened wide from chin to forelock.
And all the others here whom you can see
were, when alive, the sowers of dissension
and scandal, and for this they now are split.
Behind us here, a devil decks us out
so cruelly, re-placing every one
of this throng underneath the sword edge when
we've made our way around the road of pain,
because our wounds have closed again before
we have returned to meet his blade once more.
But who are you who dawdle on this ridge,
perhaps to slow your going to the verdict
that was pronounced on your self-accusations?
"Death has not reached him yet," my master answered,
"nor is it guilt that summons him to torment;
but that he may gain full experience,
I, who am dead, must guide him here below,
to circle after circle, throughout Hell:
this is as true as that I speak to you."
Inferno XXVIII
"See how I split myself!" "See now how maimed Mohammed is!" |
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), sasterawan besar Italy, dalam Inferno-nya mengatakan bahawa Nabi Muhammad dan sahabat Baginda, Ali bin Abi Talib,
dihumbankan ke dalam neraka tingkat ke lapan, kerana ia telah memecah
belah masyarakat dengan ajarannya dan menabur kekejian selama hidupnya.
Inferno XXVIII, 19-42.
The poets are in the ninth chasm of the eighth circle, that of the Sowers of Discord, whose punishment is to be mutilated. Mahomet shows his entrails to Dante and Virgil while on the left stands his son Ali, his head cleft from chin to forelock. |
ilustrasi di atas adalah yang diambil dari salah satu lukisan-lukisan
dalam pelbagai manuskrip yang tersimpan di perpustakaan-perpustakaan
besar di dunia termasuk ada yang telahpun membuat satu filem bisu pada
tahun 1911 (The 1911 Italian silent film L’Inferno contained a dramatization of the scene; Mohammed is shown with his entrails hanging out).
Jadi game Dante's Inferno ni telah menerapkan nilai-nilai negatif dan berunsur penghinaan kepada umat Islam sedunia dari sajak Dante Alighieri.
Ianya sungguh membimbangkan walaupun ia sekadar permainan, namun
memberi kesan di bawah sedar terhadap kepada sesiapa yang main game
tersebut dan ianya haram dibeli dan haram dimainkan oleh orang Islam.
Generasi muda dinasihatkan supaya berhati-hati dengan permainan terbabit
yang boleh menyebabkan kerosakan akidah.
Bagi mereka yang menghina Islam, inilah balasan mereka di akhirat kelak....
Firman Allah S.W.T
Inilah dua golongan (mukmin dan kafir) yang berbantah-bantahan tentang Tuhan mereka. Maka orang-orang yang kafir akan disediakan untuk mereka pakaian dari api Neraka, serta dicurahkan atas kepala mereka air panas yang menggelegak,
(Al-Hajj 22:19)
Bagi mereka yang menghina Islam, inilah balasan mereka di akhirat kelak....
Firman Allah S.W.T
Inilah dua golongan (mukmin dan kafir) yang berbantah-bantahan tentang Tuhan mereka. Maka orang-orang yang kafir akan disediakan untuk mereka pakaian dari api Neraka, serta dicurahkan atas kepala mereka air panas yang menggelegak,
(Al-Hajj 22:19)